CalQuake inland Empire

Serving the Inland Empire, Southern California and beyond

Highland 92346

Readywise Long Term Survival Foods

Product ID #123456

ReadyWise 52 Serving Emergency Food Supply Prepper Pack

Wide 52 serving prepper pack 

*FREE Shipping direct from factory to the 48 contiguous states

Provides Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 1 Person for 1 Week or 2 People for 4 Days

Our 52 serving prepper pack bucket is a perfect start for any prepper. Whether you're affected by a snow storm, hurricane or other weather emergency, it's wise to be prepared. These great-tasting freeze-dried and dehydrated foods are ready in minutes when you just add water. They also come in stackable buckets with an easy Grab-N-Go handle, so they're easy to store and transport. Great if you need to get away quickly!

It contains 52 adult servings of our popular Gourmet meals, including five entrees, two breakfasts, and two beverages for a total of 52 servings. Food is safely sealed in Metallyte™ pouches.

Prepare Now While Prices are Still Relatively Low
and Food is Still Available!


*Free Shipping limited to the 48 contiguous states only.

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