CalQuake Inland Empire

Serving the Inland Empire, Southern California and beyond

Highland 92346

Stomp Tactical Field Medical Trauma Backpack

stomp medical first aid trauma backpack Stomp Tactical Field Medical Trauma Backpack red
click on above image to purhase Stomp Kit in red
Stomp medical Kit
We're unfortunately out of stock....but you can pick up one of our Stomp bags here and design your own

Empty Stomp Bag



The Stomp Medical Kit is a fully stocked Medical First Aid Backpack with a large variety of contents used by professionals, including Paramedics, Military, EMT, Search & Rescue and First Responders.

Each section opens flat to allow quick and easy access to your instruments and supplies. The two interior sections give you four surface areas containing multiple velcro, mesh and zippered compartments for easy access to over four hundred items, conveniently placed and organized so that everything is within easy reach.

Not only is the Stomp Kit loaded with supplies, but it also comes with two removable carry bags that you can customize for trauma, resuscitation or other specific uses - and they are furnished with Molle straps and webbing as well!

stomp professional tactical medic backpack  opened stomp kit tan stomp field medical trauma backpack
Photos exclusive property of CalQuake Inland Empire


The rugged heavy-duty exterior includes grab handles on the top and side, six compression straps to lock down your load, a padded contoured back, adjustable shoulder straps, an adjustable waist belt, H.D. waterproof zippers, a full panel of MOLLE webbing, plenty of Velcro for ID or other patches.
Bag is approximately 20" x 13" x 6" empty.


* Our Stomp Bags have an additional 12" x 10" zippered pocket on the front side of the backpack with 5 added mesh pockets inside to hold more of your medical supplies. On the front is a full panel of MOLLE webbing for attaching pouches, or other accessories.

stomp bag front panel   stomp bag labeled pouches
Additional 12 x 10 zippered pocket - clear plastic for labeling

* Each zippered opening is labeled now, numbered 1-4 so that you can keep better track of the contents, and the interior mesh pouches now have clear plastic for labeling!

* The Heavy Duty zippers are waterproofed and the handle has been reinforced with a wrap around velcro for more durability. There is also an additional handle on the side for a more convenient carry.

* 2 additional pouches have been placed on the shoulder straps to accommodate a cell phone, etc.

stomp bag extras
Reinforced wrap around handle - additional pouches on Molle straps

Most Comprehensive First Aid Kit Available!

The Stomp Tactical Field Medical Trauma Backpack is jam pack loaded with all the essentials you will need in an emergency situation... weighing in at a whopping 19 lbs.

 stomp medical bag blackstomp medical first aid trauma backpackstomp professional field medical kit
Photos exclusive property of CalQuake Inland Empire

Over 400 First Aid Items:

1 -* Irrigation Syringe - 60ml
1 - Bottle Calamine Lotion
2 - Lip Treatments (pkt./tube)
9 - After Bite Wipes
1 - Burn Spray
1 -* Quick Release Tourniquet
20 - Pain Relievers
4 -* Oral Pain Relief Packets
4 -* Disposable Thermometers
10 - Ammonia Inhalant Packets
1 - Blood Clotting Spray
2 - Dlx. Universal Splints - 4" x 36" with sensi-wrap
3 - Triangular Bandages
1 - Ambu Adjustable Cervical Collar
3 - Elastic Bandage, 6''
6 - Stretch Gauze Bandage, 2''
6 - Sterile Sponges, 4'' x 4''
10 - Sterile Sponges 2" x 2
10 - Abdominal Pads,"5"x9
4 - BleedStop Bandages
5 - Eye Pads
6 -* Airways; infant, child, 4 adult sizes

10 - Butterfly Strips
20 - Bandage Strips, 2'' x 3''
20 - Knuckle Bandages
3 - Instant Ice Packs
3 - Surgical Adhesive Tape Rolls
1 - Stethoscope
1 - Blood Pressure Cuff Kit
1 - * Wound Seal Powder2 pk
4 - * Pill Containers
2 - * Oral Rehydration Pks
2 - * N95 flat fold Respirator Masks
2 - EMT Shears
4 - Stainless Steel Hemostats
2 - Trauma Pressure Bandage/Tourniquet 4"
2 - Trauma Pressure Bandage/Tourniquet 6
1 - Scalpel handle, #3
6 - Scalpel Blades
1 - Pen Light
10 - * Q Tips
10 - * 10 Cotton Balls
5 - Suture Sets
1 - EFA - First Aid Guide
6 - Safety Pins
20-* Water Purification Tabs

5 - Prs.  Examination Gloves - Sml. - Xlrg.
1 - Skin and Eye Wash 4oz. bottle
10 - Triple Antibiotic Packages
5 - Burn Gel Packages
20 - Alcohol Wipes
60 - Iodine Wipes
25 - Antiseptic BZK Wipes
2 - Elastic Bandage Gauze 4.5" x 4yds.
2 - CPR Masks
1 - 100 Assorted Size Bandage Strips
5 - Tongue Depressors
2 - Emergency Blankets, 52"x 84"
2 - Multi Trauma ABD Pads, 12''x30''
2 - Quick Clot 1st Response
1 - Pair of Tweezers
1 - Skin Probe
2 - * Surgilube Packets for airways,etc.
1 - * Biohazard Bag 15 gal.
1 - * Antibacterial soap bar - small
4 - * Hydrocortizone Packets
1 - * Upgraded Stomp Bag
1 - EFA First Aid Guide

**Now even MORE of the Medical Supplies you may need!

** When you purchase your STOMP Tactical Field Medical Trauma Backpack from us, you will receive all the above standard  items, including, at no extra charge, the following additional items:

* 1- large 60ml Irrigation Syringe (yes, this item has been discontinued by the manufacture of this kit, even though many still show it as being included) - WE DO INCLUDE THIS ITEM.
* 6- Extra Airways (6 in all) - good for Infant, Child, Small, Medium, Large, and Xlrg. Adults.
* 1- Wound Seal Powder 2 pk. - blood stopping powder good for hard to reach areas
such as extreme nose bleeds, immediate action
*  2- Surgi-lubeSterile lubricant packets - for insertion of airways, etc.
* 4 -  Pharmaceutical type Pill Containers for personal medication
*  1- 5 Gallon BioHazard Bag for waste material
20-* Water Purification Tabs
*  4- Hydrocortizone Packets
* 2 - N95 flat fold Respirator Masks
* 4- Disposable Thermometers
*  5- Oral Pain Relief Packets
*  1- Quick Release Tourniquet
*  1- Antibacterial soap bar
* Oral Rehydration Packs
* 10-Cotton Balls
* 10- Q Tips
*  NOTE: These additional items are only available when you purchase your STOMP Med Kit from us.

oral rehydration packswound seal   empty medicine vial   disposable thermometerirrigation syringeuniversdal splint

towelquick release tourniquetoral pain relief tabs  surgilube N95 Flat Fold Mask- biohazard bag

Israeli bandageQuikclotairways  bp kitneck brace

If you were to purchase this bag and all the supplies separately, costs would be close to double!
S.T.O.M.P. Tactical Field Medical Trauma Backpack Kit
 Out of Stock


Other Items to Consider...

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Bolin Chest Seal

Sprague Stethoscope
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Disposable Skin Stapler

Nasopharyngeal Airway
Nasopharyngeal Airway

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Dental Medic Kit

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Non Rebreather Mask

bmsub Z


CalQuake Inland Empire © 2014


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