Pressure transfer is real, it happens virtually REAL
TIME, and it is the first step towards accurately, scientifically forecasting an
earthquake multiple days before it occurs — getting it down to a specific region
to watch over a specific short time - 3-7 days or less from the point of the
pressure showing itself via a swarm.
It has been found that pressure coming
from the northwest United States will transfer to the Midwest area of the New
Madrid Fault by following the interior edge of the North American Crayton
southeast from Yellowstone, Wyoming, to parts of Texas, and on up to the
In the USA, watch for pressure from the West showing as mulitple
3.0M to upper 5.0M earthquakes off the West Coast. Then watch the craton edge as
the pressure transfers across WA, OR, ID, MT, NV, AZ, UT, CO, WY, KS, OK, TX and
watch the events terminate at the Arkansas border.
You will quickly see
that the pressure which “terminates” at the Arkansas border finally releases
itself via 1-2 events on the East coast US along the edge of the plate.
One real life example being; In 2011, the 5.9M earthquake which hit Virginia,
causing damage on the East coast of the United States ...... was PRECEDED by a
5.0M earthquake at the Colorado fracking operation, and multiple 4.0M
earthquakes along the edge of the Craton in WY, CO, OK, and AR.
For weekly
forecasts and daily
updates on the worlds earthquake activity, with proven forecasts and further
explanations, please check out the link below.
The pressure will build upon the entire structure of the
plate while trying to evenly distribute itself throughout the mass. The stress
will find the weakest points , and release at those points. The “edge” of the
craton is the defining line between the “solid” plate, and the weaker “deformed”
Instead of crack and mounds of ice along an ice sheet fracture
zone, the rock formations of the fractured plate have formed mountain ranges
along the weak inner edge of the craton for eons, thus the mountains of the
United States are now confirmed to literally be plate material forced UPWARDS
via pressure which COMES FROM THE WEST, when subduction is not capable of
keeping up with the tectonic pressure from the Pacific plate, the pressure does
indeed TRANSFER across vast distances in a short amount of time (days or less –
even hours in some cases).
When the pressure “transfers” across the solid
mass of the solid portions of the plate, it finds weak points to release , such
as fracking operation injection wells, oil drilling locations, hot springs,
dormant volcanoes, and even some deep mining locations.
The fracking
operations, oil drilling ops, dormant volcanoes, and deep mines act like
perforation points, where the pressure is releasing.
No doubt, at this
point I can say for certain, the rolling foothills of the New Madrid seismic
zone can also now be confirmed to be caused by past built pressure, causing a
BUCKLING in the plate, and massive earthquakes in the midwestern United States.
The new drilling/fracking operations are acting like a relief valve along
the center portion of the craton. Normally (naturally) the pressure coming from
the West (in the past) would have been placed on the center of the craton (in
missouri and the new madrid seismic zone).
Now the fracking operations ,
drilling operations are “weak points” extending a few miles down into the crust
— like perforations in a cardboard box, weak points where bending / breaking can
Notice the THOUSANDS of 3.0 – 5.0M earthquakes which have occurred
during the past few years in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas, and Colorado —
ALL occurring unexpectedly , and all occurring at fracking operations.
Notice the hundreds of 3.0-4.0M earthquakes at the dormant volcanoes along the
deformed edge of the craton in Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, California, and
even at a dormant volcano/extinct volcano in Georgia!.
Notice the
movement of Yellowstone region, moving 1/2inch SOUTHEAST (pushed SE along the
edge of the craton).
Notice the confirmed UPLIFT of the magma chambers of
Yellowstone Volcano, Mt. St. Helens, Mount Shasta, and Mount Rainier.
uplift of the magma chambers, the movement of the craton edge, and the multiple
earthquake swarms associated with each location proves that the pressure is
coming from the WEST, unlike modern day geology thought, which says one
earthquake does NOT lead to another, and that the spread of the Midatlantic
ridge is what causes mountains to form in the Americas.
The “subduction”
process is not keeping up with the movement associated with the Pacific Plate
unrest event which has been occurring since before the 2011 Japan megaquake.
We can thank Dutchsinse for his tenacious study and time consuming work
ethics, that have ultimately brought about this discovery. Hopefully everyone
will pay attention, and visit his website and youtube for his daily forecasts
and just maybe many lives can be saved!
California "Big One" Somewhat Predictable
If you are not "prepping", you are playing a very dangerous game of Russian